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Re: [tlug] Anyone alive out here ?

Sir, this is a Wendy’s. Take that moronic rhetoric to Twitter.

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> On Sep 3, 2024, at 11:27 PM, lain. <> wrote:
> Scottro, you're so misinformed.
> Woke refers to brain dead zealots who reject nature by not being
> straight, and reject reality for their ideology to work.
> On 2024年09月03日 13:43, the silly User Scottro claimed to have said:
>> I think that when you throw around the word woke, you should see who it's
>> used at. Here in the US, it's used for people who believe:
>> Woman have rights.
> That is feminism.
> And even then, they don't want just women to have rights, they want
> women to have more rights than men, which in turn leads to the collapse
> of civilization in the long run, because no man and no woman wants to
> reproduce with a literal dictator in the house.
>> Books shouldn't be banned from schools even if they tell of the evils of
>> this country.
> This is called free speech and/or free expression, nothing to do with
> being woke, and everything to do with allowing religious people to get
> in control.
>> That if a 10 year old becomes pregnant, she wasn't "asking for it" and
>> should be allowed to abort the baby.
> Sure, I agree that if a woman got raped, she should be allowed to get an
> abortion.
> Guess what though? This has ALWAYS been the case!
> What they want to achieve instead is allowing abortion in whichever
> case, even if you did ask for it, but just changed your mind over time.
> The reality is, there's a limit in the biological clock until a woman
> can have a baby.
> Once expired, at best it'll be very difficult, and at worst it'll be
> outright impossible.
> So it's yet another thing that upends civilization in the long run.
>> All these things are considered woke over here.
> Like all the gay parades with men being (almost) naked in front of
> little childen?
> Understood.
> --
> lain.
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