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Re: [tlug] [announcement] September 14th Technical meeting

Any chance of remote viewing?  Tokyo is a bit far from Kobe...

On Tue, Sep 3, 2024, 10:07 PM Edward Middleton <> wrote:
-=-=-=- Announcement: September 14 2024 TLUG Technical Meeting -=-=-=-=-

Meeting information

    Date:  September 14, 2024 (Saturday)

    Time:  14:00-16:00 (doors open 13:30)

    Place: 2nd floor, Safran Building 1
           1-3-3 Kanda Izumi-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo


    "DIY 3D printing with the Voron 2.4r2 Printer" by Edward Middleton

    This will be an introduction to DIY 3D printing with a Voron 2.4r2
    printer. It will introduce various 3D printing methods. It will go
    over some common printer layouts and covering in more detail key
    parts of a core xy printer.

    This will be followed by an introduction to creating 3D printed
    objects from your own designs using open source software. As part of
    this we will look at the types of plastics you can print some general
    design rules and properties of 3d printed objects.

    The talk will conclude with some things Edward Middleton has printed
    and mods he has made to his printer and some other interesting DIY
    manufacturing technology.

All Linux users and supporters of open source code and free software
are invited to attend this Tokyo Linux Users Group (TLUG) meeting.
Membership is open to anyone. There are no membership dues or entrance

After the meeting, we will continue chatting over a few beers.

About TLUG
TLUG is a non-profit, non-political organization established in June
of 1994 to exchange information on the use of Linux and Free Software
Foundation tools. TLUG has an active mailing list, home page, and
regular physical meetings. Discussions are primarily held in English,
but non-English speakers are encouraged to come and participate.
We especially want to encourage Japanese people to attend and will make
efforts to support a bilingual meeting.

TLUG generally hosts technical meetings every odd-numbered month on the
2nd Saturday, and a nomikai (social even at a pub) every even-numbered
month on the 2nd Friday.

The TLUG home page is available at

For any instructions or info before the meeting:
      Edward Middleton ............ 090-3689-0292

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