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Re: [tlug] CJK Input Methods

there is one problem, the Japanese input...
get by with the really poor quality of Mozc in Ubuntu

What exactly is the problem? What sequence of keypresses give an undesirable result, and what is the desired result?

The main other place I type Japanese is an Android phone, and the UX feels basically the same. Also mozc 2.26 gives a few autosuggest suggestions now. E.g. "koreha" and a couple of tabs was enough to get これは恋です (Though I was intending to type これは日本語 which did require all 12 keypresses.)

I don't speak either Chinese or Korean so I don't ...

I have pinyin (simplified Chinese) and Russian also installed, but don't use them enough to evaluate. Typing "nihao" and space was enough to get the first suggestion of 你好.


P.S. Setup has also got fairly easy. See my "IME setup Jan 2024" post from 6 months ago... I might as well repeat the instructions below.

apt install fcitx5-mozc fcitx5-pinyin

With all the deps it becomes 60 packages, 123MB archives, 456MB of disk!

Then you _must_ logout and login.

Now right-click the keyboard icon in the panel, configuration.
Search for "mozc" and double-click to add. Do same with "pinyin".

Ctrl-space now works to start/stop Japanese.
Use ctrl-right-shift (or ctrl-left-shift) for it to be Pinyin instead, and to loop round between IME choices.

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