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Re: [tlug] vi weird when I ssh to one machine

Darren Cook writes:

 > I'm comparing ssh sessions on two machines, and both are:
 > TERM=xterm-256color
 > SHELL=/bin/bash
 > The client machine also has exactly the same.
 > Scott wrote:
 > > I first set it as TERM=vt100, otherwise I get various error messages,...
 > Ooh, this works.

This means that the terminal that you're using doesn't understand
xterm-256 control sequences.  That's hard-coded into the terminal.[1]

What terminal are you using?  Does it advertise xterm-256
compatibility in the documentation?


[1]  That's why this is traditionally called "TERMinal CAPabilities"
rather than "TERMinal PROTOcol" -- the terminal either has or doesn't
have a capability, and the application needs to know that *first*.
Once you know the terminal can perform an operation, then it makes
sense to ask how to do it, and to keep both the capability boolean and
the protocol in the same database.)

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