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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] [announcement] November 9th, 2019 Technical Meeting
- Date: Sat, 2 Nov 2019 21:17:19 +0900
- From: Edward Middleton <>
- Subject: [tlug] [announcement] November 9th, 2019 Technical Meeting
- User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/68.2.1
-=-=-=- Announcement: November 2019 TLUG Technical Meeting -=-=-=-=- Meeting information Date: November 9, 2019 (Saturday) Time: 14:00~17:30 (doors open 13:55) Place: MIXER meeting space - Honmachi Building 5F 4-5-14 Nihonbashi Honmachi, Chuo-ku, 〒103-0023 Tokyo Presentations: This month we have two speakers.''Towards a “Humane Interface”: Back to the Future with the Canon Cat'' - by KaramoonDr. Emmett Brown famously said “'Where we're going, we don't need roads’. We do, however, need user interfaces that are fit for purpose.This talk will look at Jef Raskin's M68000-based "Canon Cat”.It’s an unusual computer and interesting computer released in 1987. Perhaps it gives us a glimpse into a possible future of human-computer interaction?The most striking feature of the Canon Cat its lack of any software application; instead it consists of a single document with all functionality provided at OS-level. There are some other interesting points too such as the embedded Forth compiler, an assembly language, a novel file system, incremental search..."Decentralised secure communication with Matrix - status update" - By Alexey RusakovThe talk will give a briefly overview Matrix (, an open decentralised network for real-time communications and provide a status update on what has been happening with it over the last year.It will cover advanced end-to-end encryption features, news on clients and bridges, general things about the ecosystem and future plans. Questions and extra requests are welcome: we can setup a homeserver, draft up yet-another-bot, or talk about details of the Matrix protocols.About TLUG ---------- TLUG is a non-profit, non-political organization established in June of 1994 to exchange information on the use of Linux and Free Software Foundation tools. TLUG has an active mailing list, home page, and regular physical meetings. Discussions are primarily held in English, but non-English speakers are encouraged to come and participate. We especially want to encourage Japanese people to attend and will make efforts to support a bilingual meeting. TLUG generally hosts technical meetings every odd-numbered month on the 2nd Saturday, and a nomikai (social even at a pub) every even-numbered month on the 2nd Friday. The TLUG home page is available at If you get lost, or simply want to get in touch with us, please call: Edward............090-3689-0292
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] [announcement] November 9th, 2019 Technical Meeting
- From: Jim Grisanzio
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