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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]Re: [tlug] Why change a linux server's locale?
- Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2019 14:17:55 +0900
- From: Edmund Edgar <>
- Subject: Re: [tlug] Why change a linux server's locale?
- References: <>
ESID but generally I'd feel like any server-side software that depends on the server's default locale to work correctly is Doing It Wrong. If I've got software that needs a particular locale to work correctly for my purposes, I feel like I'd rather be setting it explicitly. If you're not running desktop stuff I can't think of much that I've come into contact with that would break under normal operation; Database defaults, possibly, but you're better setting those explicitly. Ideally you'd want the same environment on your development server as on the production server, and if you don't I think there are other things to worry about before the locale. That said, if I couldn't set the same thing as production I think I might be tempted to set the dev box to Western Klingon or whatever exotic locale it *does* support that would be more likely to pick up anything I was doing that inadvertently relied on it... As far which system to choose for any given task when you're in complete control of it, I'd certainly go for UTF-8 rather than EUC-JP or SJIS, but people do often have genuine legacy issues. -- -- Edmund Edgar Founder, Social Minds Inc (KK) Twitter: @edmundedgar Linked In: edmundedgar Skype: edmundedgar Realitio Project @realitioproject
- References:
- [tlug] Why change a linux server's locale?
- From: マスターズ・イアン
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