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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]Re: [tlug] Journals, Authors and 'Free Peer Review'
- Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2018 22:38:21 +0800
- From: Raymond Wan <>
- Subject: Re: [tlug] Journals, Authors and 'Free Peer Review'
- References: <> <> <> <> <> <>
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Hi, Sorry...was quite busy the last few days...On Wednesday, September 26, 2018 01:54 AM, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:> On 2018-09-20 22:14 +0800 (Thu), Raymond Wan wrote: > > I'm not so sure if this works as it seems to be a way for authors > > to "have their cake and eat it".... They get "free peer review" > > via their peers on Twitter... Actually, they don't. People who are really good do, people who are second tier (which is pretty damn good, actually, except for the following) or below generally end up in circular pity parties where they're always commiserating with each other on how their great papers are getting ignored in favor of the second-rate proteges of star professors. (All of which is true except the phrase "great papers" -- the research may be great but the papers are poorly written so nobody can tell.) I find it hard to believe that this varies much across fields. WDOT?Yes -- well, everything in life is like one big pyramid scheme. I don't think academia or research in general is any different. ;-(What Twitter is good for is self-promotion (by individuals or cells). Of course, the top half of researchers probably contains most of the top half of self-marketers, but the correlation is imperfect, and some really good researchers get a lot less attention than they deserve.Yes, Twitter is probably used that way and those (like me) who have yet to embrace it probably suffer. A big part of research is about self-promotion but I think it does vary from field to field. (I mean the extent to which it happens.)office staff. Top-notch staff can handle the nasty work of phoning late reviewers and the like, which speeds up the mess, which makes submission to the journal much more attractive (it makes a lot of sense to submit to a #1 journal with an 0.5% acceptance rate if you know you'll get a desk reject in less than two weeks and a usually competent review in 2 months if you get that far).I'd probably like to tack on staff that create a well-written web site that explains the entire submission process as well as journals that have staff that actually respond to queries. They do a lot of work behind the scenes.I don't know how much they make, but like any job, they need to be paid enough to want to stay in their job.My interpretation is different: outside of the top 50-100 people so in most fields, typically distributed across the top 20 to 50 departments, almost all researchers are quite narrow. It's very common now to have 5 or 6 mutually exclusive cliques in an economics department, for example, where they claim no ability to assess the quality of other cliques' research or students (and all too often they're right!) The result is that almost all research universities now demand "objective" measures such as citation counts and impact factors for the journals of publication, and even student evaluations of teaching, to support tenure and promotion decisions. The administrations don't trust their faculty to make good decisions; it's not just Americans' litigiousness when tenure is denied. But the crudest measure is publication count, and and it's the easiest to bolster very quickly by submitting to pay- for-publication journals.All of this makes sense to me.Just wondering -- do you (or anyone else reading) have a take on the "h-index"? I noticed a greater and greater emphasis on it. It seems like a useful measure over (say) a publication count. But the emphasis on it makes it seem like if one's h-index isn't high, then "we don't want to talk to you".Ray
- References:
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- [tlug] Timed licenses? (and eschrow/smart contracts)
- From: Stephen J. Turnbull
- Re: [tlug] Timed licenses? (and escrow/smart contracts)
- From: Darren Cook
- Re: [tlug] Timed licenses? (and escrow/smart contracts)
- From: Raymond Wan
- [tlug] Journals, Authors and 'Free Peer Review'
- From: Curt Sampson
- [tlug] Journals, Authors and 'Free Peer Review'
- From: Stephen J. Turnbull
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