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Re: [tlug] Chrome ate my profile

Curt Sampson writes:
 > On 2018-03-15 16:04 +0900 (Thu), Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
 > >       (shell-command "git commit -a -m 'auto-commit'")
 > Remember that this won't add new files. For the "keep snapshots of this
 > tree" application you more likely want `git add -A && git commit
 > ...`.

Good point.

FWIW, that wasn't my use case.

My use case was cherrypicking.  I would frequently be working on some
task, and notice a minor, non-reviewable defect (typo in a comment) or
one of those defects that really annoys pedants but if you fix them
people bitch about VC churn (trailing whitespace) or that it's hard to
figure out what you actually did in the diff (add a line to a C if
that turns a simple statement into a compound statement: if you
haven't changed the original statement, it makes sense to adjust the
new lines to the old indentation, and at the end of the feature branch
fix all the pedantic stuff).

So instead of using stashes (which I could never keep track of, and I
often forgot to stash anyway), while I was working it was "save -
trivial fix - save", which was the least disruptive and most accurate
workflow I've had for splitting out trivial stuff from reviewable

Also, I typically had a bunch of junk (mostly test scaffolding) that
wasn't necessarily gitignored lying around, and new files were rare
and anyway would get added deliberately on master at first save.  Most
likely I wouldn't have followed your advice in any case. ;-)

That level of care didn't get traction in my community so I gave up on
it. :^P


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