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Re: [tlug] Chrome ate my profile

Schwartz, Fernando G. writes:
 > On 03/11/2018 10:14 PM, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
 > > Is it open source?  If not, no thanks.  Altogether too many recent
 > > scandals where vendors who are supposed to be putting security first
 > > are actually selling slick UIs with security holes.
 > Don't use "Chrome" package then. That package contains code only Google 
 > controls.

I don't have a problem with using closed source on OPD (other people's
data), especially when it's broadcast over the Internet.  My support
for open source is neither a religion nor a fetish.  It's merely an
important part of my life.

Managing security information is another matter.  Both in theory and
in recent practice (as cited above) small app vendors and so-called
security consultants have little incentive to be honest about
weaknesses.  Google, on the other hand, not only has some of the best
red and blue teamers, but also has an excellent reputation among
security experts.  (Of course, that just might be because they have
some of the best red teamers.... 8^P)

 > Not to mention the byproduct of that processed data they can sell
 > to the highest bidder.

Most people find this improves their lives.  (Most people also believe
fake news, the faker the better, so I'm not sure we should weight this
too much in determining policy.)

 > If only the Linux community could be a little more competent! フェルナンド

Communities commune, that's what they're good for.  They're not so
great at serving those outside the community, though, especially
importunate non-contributing users.  Though business doesn't have a
great record there, the many business models that don't involve direct
payment by users, but somehow exploit the number of users, provides
more incentive than communities have.  TANSTAAFL, man!


Associate Professor              Division of Policy and Planning Science
http://turnbull/     Faculty of Systems and Information
Email:                   University of Tsukuba
Tel: 029-853-5175                 Tennodai 1-1-1, Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN

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