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Re: [tlug] TLUG Bonenkai -- Suggestion

I'm interested but if it's before the 24th, I won't be able to make it due to travel and other commitments.

On Sun, Nov 26, 2017 at 3:28 PM, Benjamin Kowarsch <> wrote:

On Nov 26, 2017, at 00:04, Edward Middleton wrote:

We could get a vat or two of nice craft beer and I'd volunteer to cook a
nice full course meal, although to serve 20 people I'd need a helping
hand from at least one more volunteer.

It sounds like a great idea if you would like to do this, I will do what
I can to help.


I was planning on just making a restaurant reservation
but haven't yet.

Let's see what the response will be.

When you make a reservation at a restaurant for a large group in December, is there any prepayment and/or cancellation fee involved? I guess not.

A reservation at the garden kitchen requires prepayment, so we need a firm commitment from a sufficient number of participants. I am happy to donate my time and work but I will not carry any financial risk.


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