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Re: [tlug] Configuring encrypted Linux disk on a system with Windows

On 11/08/2017 09:49 PM, Curt Sampson wrote:
Not really, so long as you understand the disk partitioning. What you
want to do is the following. (The same procedure also works for Debian
(of course), CentOS 7, and probably lots of other distros.)
Please allow me to amend some of the partitioning details concerning 
Linux dual-booting;
1) clean "GPT"-type disk partition table; 2) create 01 300MB partition 
of type "FAT32" with flag "ESP" to mount point " /boot/efi "; 3) create 
01 partition of type "linux swap" with size equal to your RAM amount or 
a maximum "size cap" of 4GB (up to discussion); 4) create 01 partition 
of type "ext4" with size adequate to your Linux desktop ("up2you") to 
mount point " / ".
Search for download of "GParted Live USB" and create your setup 
environment under a stick for these steps. Not least, certify that your 
computer BIOS isn't in "legacy"-mode. And that's the "just enough" 
modern Linux partitioning for you. Thank you.

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