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Re: [tlug] Skype or Something Better?

On 02/22/2017 01:46 AM, Darren Cook wrote:
A lot of my clients are now requiring a Whatsapp account for
communicating with their reps.  The "good" program that would run as a
Linux standalone was forced off the net by Whatsapp's lawyers, but there
is still a good plug-in (?) that allows you to run the web app as a
separate window.  The one BIG problem is that you need a keitai with a
camera for setup, it needs to be left idling while you're online /
waiting for calls, and the keitai should be running off your WiFi...
BTW, what is the reasoning behind this?

I.e. I have to install an app on my cheap Chinese-built Android phone,
and the app requires permission to poke into just about everything. And
then the desktop version (Linux WebApp or native Windows/Mac app, as far
as I can tell) is basically acting as a dumb client connecting to a
server running on my phone. (IIUC?) That is so weird, there must be a
good reason for it.

Is it about tying it to a phone number? Is this for regulatory purposes,
or as part of the security aspect?


I think its more about limiting the varieties of possible new hardware required to use the app. The desktop web app can be used for messaging only, but the phone does messaging and voice. My first thought was that, unlike the "old" Skype where they had to make allowances (and drivers) for all different types of hardware, cams, and headsets, the phone app runs on top of a phone OS that is already controlling all of those things, reducing the programming required.

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