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Re: [tlug] Ubuntu 16.04-LTS Japanese Text Input

On Sun, Apr 24, 2016 at 9:18 PM, Raymond Wan <> wrote:
> I am but haven't gotten to getting Japanese text input working yet.
> If I get that far and succeed, I'll let you know.

Thanks!  I need to get it going at some point....

> Perhaps I'm just unlucky but after upgrading 3 systems (home and work)
> from 15.10 to 16.04 this weekend, I have the feeling the upgrade
> process hasn't been as smooth as previous versions.

I've tended to have problems in the past with upgrades, so I got in
the habit of backing up files and then doing clean installs.
Regarding Japanese input - I sure miss the way it was with Suse
before!  You would select a Primary Language and a Secondary Language,
and Japanese text input worked straight away....


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