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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] Keyboard one-click switching
- Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2016 16:53:32 +0900
- From: Raedwolf Sumner <>
- Subject: [tlug] Keyboard one-click switching
- References: <>
On my Linux Mint 17 (qiana) OS, I have a quick keyboard
switch pair of icons on my top panel. One is for a Spanish
keyboard, the other for a Japanese keyboard. My actual
keyboard is Japanese, but I know the keyboard layout for
the Spanish keyboard, so I just click that icon for typing in
Spanish, then click the Japanese keyboard icon for going
back to English and Japanese (ibus/anthy). I like the one-
click solution.
My newer machine has Linux Mint 17.1 (rebecca). Gnome
on both. I have added desktop launchers for the command
"setkbmap es" (or jp) but I can't remember how I got those
desktop icons onto the panel. So now it is a three-click
solution (desktop icon, keyboard icon, desktop icon). Four,
if you count the double clicks on the keyboard icons.
When I created the launchers, I agreed to have them put
into the menu, thinking I could add them to the panel from
there. I was told they would initially be placed in the
category "other". But I can find no such category in the menu.
I don't remember how I got them onto the panel before.
Any help?
Ralph Sumner
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