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Re: [tlug] Any graphics experts here?

> I am trying to print some sheet music using an online printing service 
> [...] error message complaining that it is not 'greyscale'...
> All searches seem to lead to Imagemagick, which isn't really the
> job, 

The good tool to process Ps/PDF files is ghostscript or one of its
frontend scripts. They do on the command-line some of the things
Illustrator or Acrobat can do in a GUI.

For you it could be:

    ps2pdf -dColorConversionStrategy=/Gray
           -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress rgb.pdf gray.pdf

I tested on one of my files, it seems to work; you can play with the
options listed at

Nicolas LIMARE                         pgp:0xFA423F4F

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