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Re: [tlug] Locking an HTML Doc


> Looks fine, same as "how to hold water in a sieve" - short answer is
> you cannot.

(The comment hereafter is not a solution for CL, but it may hint at
solutun for similar tasks or future documents)

For a few years now, I have been writing almost all my documents in
markdown, and used pandoc to export to various formats. Then I can
customize the PDF look and feel via the LaTeX export by writing my own
LaTeX header, or change the HTML style by writing my own CSS. For a
while I even wrote my resume this way (and exporting your resume as a
manpage is as terrific as it is useless!).

I like the programmatic approach to document formatting, something
like functional programming for generic computing: you have some
structured data (the document content) and some transformation rules
(the pandoc options and some helper scripts) and this is enought to
regenerate new documents, all from a single makefile.

If you have some time and your document is not too complex, I would
sugest to export to plain text, restructure in markdown, then use this
source to produce your PDF and LaTeX. You will have to re-code
your PDF style in LaTeX and your CSS for HTML. But you can re-use it
next time.

PS: pandoc also exports to many other formats.

Nicolas LIMARE - CMLA - ENS Cachan
IPOL journal                                  
-> image processing, reproducible research, open science

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