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Re: [tlug] refurbished Thinkpad X60 with Coreboot & Linux

On 24/12/2013 11:59, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
"Cheap garbage" *should* work.  Some of us can afford to buy better
stuff, but our students and friends who work for NPOs can't.  And I've
actually been quite happy with our Epson EP-804A (~16000 three years
ago IIRC) -- but I drive it with a Mac.  (Which is one reason why I
don't recommend 100% free software systems to the above-mentioned
"clients" any more.  Software freedom is an important property of the
ecosystem, but it's not the only freedom that matters.  Freedom from
driver hassles you don't want is another one.)

Ironically, perhaps the one thing that has really advanced the printing experience in Linux [*] was the adoption of CUPS by an evil, proprietary fruit-flavoured computer company, who have worked hard to make damned sure that as many printers as possible Just Work on their operating system.

[*] for Ubuntu users, I mean, rather than for those with the time and inclination to lovingly hand-craft a GhostScript configuration.

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