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[tlug] 'best' linux distro for a hardware, WAS: Best Laptop/Netbook that fits well with Crunchbang Linux

Hi all,

On Sun, Sep 23, 2012 at 01:03:44PM +0900, jong pairez wrote:
> I am soliciting suggestions/recommendations from the TLUG community about
> the best netbook that runs well with Crunchbang Linux.

I think this is an interesting trend.
Als my dad started to use linux.  With not much experience it seems
that users rather try many linux distros, count how many to them im-
portant aspects work and how many not, and stick with one distro.

In the past there were fewer distros.  People were investing more 
efforts into getting their hardware / the usability aspects they de-
sire to work than today.

Wondering where this will lead us to..


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