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Re: [tlug] How popular is Linux Mint?

On Sat, Jul 21, 2012 at 01:20:16PM +0900, Emmanuel Chanel wrote:
> On 7 June, 2012, I cleanly installed Linux Mint 13 Maya instead of
> Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin, by hatred against Unity. Linux Mint is
> introduced as the good alternative of Ubuntu since Unity is unpopular.
> And that Linux Mint is popular overseas, too. Is that true? How popular
> is Linux Mint?

If you trust its quite popular these days.
The top 2 arguments I hear from people are
- "I was an Ubuntu user but want to stick with gnome2 style desktop"
- "It includes codecs etc. out of the box

Havent looked at it myself yet, happy with Windowmaker, gnome3 and
installing mplayer/vlc myself on my systems.


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