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Re: [tlug] Top-posting (was: plonk [Re: Classes])

2012/5/30 Bruno Raoult <>:

> On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 8:43 AM, Josh Glover <> wrote:
>> Perhaps, but not on this list. Move it to tlug-admin.
> Not sure to understand this statement

You don't have to understand it, just to comply with it.

> this is a common interest.

You'd be surprised how few people on TLUG care. Most are sick to death
of hearing about top-posting, and would rather read about Linux /
biotech / French food (OK, the last one is a bit off topic; let's see
if Jonathan can pull one of his famous retopification tricks). ;)

> Moving it to tlug-admin would look like discussing within "elite"

Frankly, I don't care how it looks. I only care that the top-posting
discussion does not continue on this list. Move it or stop it. I will
not approve any further posts that mention top-posting.

> "normal people" won't know anything about the decision process (and won't ever, as tlug-admin archive is password
> protected).

tlug-admin *is an open list*. Anyone can subscribe, as you would know
had you *followed the link I sent in this very thread!*

As for the password protection, please actually take the time to
glance directly beneath the links to the archives on this page:

The password is there to stop spiders, not humans.

Please, for the love of $DEITY, stop making assertions based on things
you have not bothered to take five seconds to confirm!


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