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Re: [tlug] Making better use of SSDs?

Hi Taisuke,

On Monday, May 28, 2012 11:23 AM, Taisuke Yamada wrote:
I would go with #1.

The problem with option #1 (making it into a drive) is that the input/output data is too large for current SSDs (i.e., terabytes in size). And while the programs are all open source and we could modify them, currently, they don't make use of external disk (SSD) space. And I'm not sure if doing is straight-forward.

Besides, using SSD as a swap means SSD is kept idle unless things
starts swapping. That's kind of like keeping your best wine bottle
until you're completely drunk :-).

I have to admit that this was an awesome analogy! Put a smile on my face while I was at work... :-)

I'm using SSD to offload I/O load generated by qemu VMs, and it is
quite comfortable. Other options, like using it as an external journal
area, creating SSD+HDD hybrid device may be worth considering also.

I see.  Thank you for these other options!


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