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Re: [tlug] Favorite Linux laptops these days?

2012/4/3 Jonathan Byrne <>:

> The nVidia Opimus system is such a beast and, at least
> as implemented on Dell gear, purportedly does not have a knob in the BIOS to
> turn off one or the other - and the HDMI port is physically connected to the
> nVidia chip.

The ThinkPad BIOS gives you BIOS options, but the HDMI port is still
tied to the nVidia chip, so you can only use VGA with the Intel 2D
chip. The nVidia card can also use the VGA port, but I've so far been
unable to drive three heads with the nVidia chip--the driver crashes
when trying to enable a VGA head when I have onboard and HDMI heads
already active. Ugh.

> The HP Envy 15, with its ATI + Intel GPUs purportedly is less troublesome. [...]
> I'll post a review of my experience after I get my hands on the  beastie.

I look forward to it!


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