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Re: [tlug] Gazing up and to the left

Hi Charles,

On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 5:05 PM, Charles Muller
<> wrote:
> So I went to my eye doctor, and he said (translating from the
> original Japanese, of course):
> "I guess you are a Linux user who has recently changed all of his
> screens to '24, and all of your X applications are starting up in
> the upper left hand corner of the screen."

That certainly made my day...  :-)  I wished I had a screen big enough
where the upper left hand corner actually made a difference in my
eyesight...  *sigh*

> All seriousness aside, I'd like to figure out how to apply a
> permanent settings to start (to begin with) Firefox and Thunderbird
> in the middle of the screen on a permanent basis. Emacs is already
> no problem.

Not sure if this will help because it does rely on an option for
Firefox or Thunderbird to move their windows (i.e., --geometry).  If
they don't have it, then you might be out of luck.

But what I use is gdevilspie and the daemon devilspie.  The first one
is a GUI-based program for setting it up.  You create rules that match
a particular window name and then it does some change automatically.

For example, I use the kdevelop IDE.  When I open a kdevelop window,
this maximizes it for me.  I also run oclock and make it appear at a
particular location (basically, runs --geometry on it).

Again, not sure if this helps with Firefox.  I found it easier than
putting it in my .profile files, though.  Hope this helps!


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