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Re: [tlug] Fan Slowing Down Processing?: Gap?

On 12/28/2011 11:51 PM, wrote:

There is the _possibility_ of a mundane explanation for
correlation between slowness and Zallman stuff.
If the cooling was bad enough, the CPU would get too hot
and slow down to avoid further overheating.
Was there some gap between CPU and the heat sink?
No gap.  One thing I have always been a stickler for is a tight joint 
between the CPU and heat sink base.  I check for flatness with a 
straightedge and metal burrs by eye before I install and I use a 
silver-filled thermal paste at the joint and check around all four sides 
with a magnifying mirror to make sure the fit is tight, flat, and even. 
If I touch the joint surface with a bare hand, I clean all surfaces with 
dry alcohol (ethanol) before assembling.
One of the tricks I learned in restoring old motorcycles and working on 
LSR projects is that dentists have a ton of useful picks, scrapers, and 
magnifiers in their little tool trays that are just perfect for a 
multitude of engineering and assembly uses.  And they buy new ones at 
least annually.  You can buy used dental tools for just a few cents at 
flea markets ... but don't forget that they're stainless steel and that 
stainless is a conductor.
The little round magnifying and inspecting mirrors dentists use to look 
at your back teeth are perfect for checking the joint between the CPU 
and heat sink as well as inspecting the soldering of components to the 
motherboard at their bases.  Dentists also have small granite plates for 
truing small surfaces that are cheaper and easier to carry around than a 
granite flat plate or truing table.  And, if you use a little dab of 
grinding paste on them to removed burrs from metal surface edges, you 
can always buy another one for a few bucks when you begin to suspect 
that the plate is out of true.

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