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Re: [tlug] How much of radiations measured in Central Tokyo?

My boss has a geiger counter. He just sent us an email to say
AzabuJuban is still normal:

Just did some radiation measurements, I’m getting about 15-25 counts per min.

(I cant do microsieverts). With my watch over it, it generates 130
c/min so the unit

is generating sensible output. Gary and I met a[n American] yesterday
just down from Fukushima

who was returning to the States. He got scanned there and said that a few people

near the plant were showing over 100 counts/min on their bodies. I
checked him and

just showed background as well. So I don’t think the air is
contaminated here just yet.

Might want to fill your baths with water though. Just in case the
power/water goes out.

Take showers instead for the next few days.

Hope all are well,


On 15 March 2011 11:59, Nicolas Limare <> wrote:
>> >> Anybody has a Geiger Counter to measure how much of radiations we get in
>> >> central Tokyo?
>> > See here:
>> >
>> Have anyone noticed that the radiation levels in that website began
>> to rise?
> Yes.
> We have almost no info about the accuracy and contitions of this
> measure, so it's hard to tell which is the danger level, but obviously
> there is something going on. It can be the consequence of the
> explosion which happened this morning.
> By the way, this web page is overloaded. We need low-latency
> mirrors. And please, no slashdotting.
> --
> Nicolas LIMARE
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