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Re: [tlug] ADSL or Hikari Fiber

On Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 6:35 PM, Pier Fumagalli <> wrote:
> Latency is quite significantly lower than on ADSL, and in my personal
> experience connectivity is a bit more stable. Plus, fiber *can* give you a
> lot more room for improvement (it's 100Mbps today, can be 1Gbps easily
> tomorrow).
> Fiber comes out of the wall, goes into a ethernet base-LX to base-T
> converter and comes out as a normal ethernet connection. PPPoE over that and
> your'e done (easy as pie).

Thanks for the feedback!  Now I just need to get over my NTT allergy.
There are no hikari fiber options are there?  As a rule, if I have an
option, I refuse to deal with NTT.


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