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Re: [tlug] When is a line feed really a line feed?

On Sat, 2010-12-04 at 02:53 +0900, Dave M G wrote:
> But the thing with Gedit is that they all
> render invisibly, so it's hard for me to tell what form my line breaks
> are being saved as. I fear there may be something about the document
> encoding (utf-8, I believe) or something when I save it that might be
> altering the format.

I doubt if it's encoding.

> So, is there a sure fire way I can set up my CSV file so that it is
> using \n for new lines? Like, rock solid sure so that either it works,
> or if it doesn't I can say confidently to the other guy that the
> problem might be his end? 

Use emacs. You can enter line feeds explicitly with C-q C-j, carriage
returns as C-q C-m, and any combination you like.
Stuart Luppescu -=- slu .at.        
University of Chicago -=- CCSR 
才文と智奈美の父 -=-    Kernel 2.6.34-gentoo-r11                
And the fear of getting Ripleyed on the mailing
 list also makes me think, read, and improve before
 submitting half baked questions to the list.    --
 Eric Kort       R-help (January 2006)  

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