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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] Amazing video: A fully functional 16-bit processor in minecraft
- Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2010 23:49:00 +0900
- From: Andreas Kieckens <>
- Subject: [tlug] Amazing video: A fully functional 16-bit processor in minecraft
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Hi allI just wanted to share an amazing video I found on youtube. Do any of you guys know minecraft? It's this independent game developed in Java. It's basically a virtual version of Lego. You're in a world where everything is made out of blocks and you can destroy, mine or build anything you want. Your imagination's the limit.There's this one guy who built a fully functional 16-bit processor inside the game. How did he do this? Well, the game allows you to put down wires that can either be 1: powered or 0: unpowered. Using just these wires and godlike technical knowledge, he has layed them out in such a way that they form a processor which is actually able to run code. I don't know about you but this really takes my breath away. ~Andreas
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