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Re: [tlug] GPL non-sense


> But really, I don't see what your problem is.  The GPL is the most
> proprietary possible free software license (to a first approximation,
> but the FSF strives diligently to improve the approximation), but it's
> not a proprietary software license.  Using it is a generous act on
> your part, which benefits the whole world, but there's no guarantee it
> will do any good for you.

I guess my problem is that I committed code to a repo, and now other
people who have write access to the repo can change it so that I have
to fork that gpl3 repo just to get something that I can distribute.

I am hoping that it will work out because I trust my most immediate
contact, but still to be in a position of trust and not have the gpl3
backing me is not so good.

Well it serves me right for not attending the TLUG meetings I guess!
Thanks for helping me think this through and figure out where I am.


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