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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] Leaving group sadly
- Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2010 15:51:59 +0900
- From: Wayne <>
- Subject: [tlug] Leaving group sadly
I think I will have to leave the group for a while as I'm so far behind with what's going on I won't be able to catch up :-) Scott R knows that I had a stroke at the beginning of last month and was hospitalised for about 9 days. Although I have retained all mobility I'm still paranoid about it as it was located pretty much near to the centre of the brain and could have been fatal. It was caused, as far as I know, by high blood pressure and I'm on four kinds of medication. It was a bummer because it happened about 2-3 weeks before I was due to go to the UK for the GBBF with 'er indoors and a couple of my customers. I was able to go but while there I had an incident caused by eating something too spicy that sent my blood pressure up to 200 again! That made me more worried and I had to take something to calm me down before I could get on the plane back! I was sorely tempted to stay in the UK as it's far easier to communicate with doctors there than it is here :-) Maybe when I stop worrying I may sign up again but right now my attention span is that of road-kill! Have fun guys.... Wayne
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] Leaving group sadly
- From: Roger Markus
- Re: [tlug] Leaving group sadly
- From: Lewske Wada
- Re: [tlug] Leaving group sadly
- From: Sotaro Kobayashi
- Re: [tlug] Leaving group sadly
- From: CL
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