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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]Re: [tlug] New programming revision site - by a TLUG'er
- Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2010 01:53:30 +0200
- From: Fredric Fredricson <>
- Subject: Re: [tlug] New programming revision site - by a TLUG'er
- References: <>
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On 08/10/2010 03:57 AM, 黒鉄章 wrote: > Hi All. > > For my own needs I wanted to maintain my programming skills, so I made > a web site- <>. There's just too > many languages I've programmed in and I regularly mix up syntax > between them. Also, I naturally forget stuff I haven't used in a long > time ... like what's the syntax for a C function pointer? For this > challenge I realized I need to do spaced repetition study for them. > > Anyhow I made the website. It has some content (C++, Java, PHP) but no > other users yet. If you'd like to try it, and particularly if you'd > like to add questions to it, please feel free to. You can just try a > quiz without logging on; you can make a login if you want to save your > practice history; or you can be an editor if you want to add your own > stuff. My $.02: I have worked as a software engineer for 20+ years. Mostly C++ but also a fair share of bash, sed, awk etc. a lot of perl, SQL, php, javascript and recently even some C#/.NET (and the some I only touched briefly like Java and Python). I guess there are different approaches to learning a language and refreshing it but mine has always been to familiarize myself with the documentation and I keep a list of links on my web site that I update whenever I find a new useful site. With all this I would say that I would never bother to remember stuff that can a) be easily found in the documentation (like function calls) or b) syntax, for those compiled languages where the compiler produces intelligible error messages (gcc, for exampl did not always do that). I am honestly not sure your quiz would make such a great difference to me, even though it is fun. that's not the way I operate. I almost tries not burden my weak memory with too much details. Haveaniceday, Fredric > > 日本語に関してはローカライズ されているよ。舌皛逅跂勉闕﨏佑ⅸ颪い芯面擷⓲室\xEA > し、今まで通訳されているクイズ問題は少数です。だ纔瘢韭絎竢蹶、エディターになった > ら 編集しやすいGUIがある。問題を通訳したり新たな入力して下さい。 > > Cheers, > > Akirabegin:vcard fn:Fredric Fredricson n:Fredricson;Fredric org:Ln4 Solutions AB email; title:CTO tel;home:+46 8 91 64 39 tel;cell:+46 70 677 58 48 version:2.1 end:vcard
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