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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] Webcam recommendation for Linux *and* Mac use
- Date: Wed, 4 Aug 2010 11:49:49 +0900
- From: Jean-Christian Imbeault <>
- Subject: [tlug] Webcam recommendation for Linux *and* Mac use
My family members back in Canada have been hounding me of late to get a webcam so I can chat with them over Skype so now I am in the market for a webcam with microphone that I can use on both my Ubuntu 10.04 system and my slightly old mac mini running OSX 10.5. I scoured the web to get some recommendations and found quite a few and decided that I would probably go with the Logitech QuickCam Vision Pro for Mac. *However* a quick trip to Bic Camera shows that this model is not sold in Japan ... and to make matters worse most of the other models I found recommendations for are not sold in Japan. (or they are but under different vendors/model numbers?). I really want to avoid buying a webcam just finding out when I try and install it that it doesn't work on one of my machines, or worse yet, that the camera works but not the microphone or vice versa. Can anyone recommend a webcam easily found in Japan (Tokyo) that will preferably work on both my machines, or at the very least on one of them? :) Thanks, Jc
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] Webcam recommendation for Linux *and* Mac use
- From: Darren Cook
- Re: [tlug] Webcam recommendation for Linux *and* Mac use
- From: Stephen Lee
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