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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] apparent hardware problem(s) -- but where?
- Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 13:37:28 +0900
- From: BALUTA Chris <>
- Subject: [tlug] apparent hardware problem(s) -- but where?
- User-agent: Mutt/1.5.18 (2008-05-17)
[ Apologies if this message is too long, but I'd like to give as much info. to help diagnose my problem. (My computer problem, that is.) ] Tluggers, I've got a dell dimension 2400 that I've been having some problems with. Specifically, the system will occasionally not boot, reboot automatically or simply hang up. My question: Does anyone know or, at least, have some good ideas, as to where my problem(s) is/are? Here's the situation: - I originally tried to install Fedora from a CD (one of those multi-boot CD's from a Linux magazine), and the process just seemed to hang. (This was tried on multiple occasions.) - I was, after two or three times, able to install unbuntu 9.09 (jaunty jakalope, or something) from the same cd. But then the system, while sometimes running fine, would hang - I then tried installing a ubuntu 7.xx version, and had the same problems - Now getting somewhat desperate/wondering if I had a hardware problem, I re-installed xp that the system came with. The installation went fine, but the same sorts of problems hit me (blue screen, etc.) Assuming/guessing it might be a disk problem (and having lots of points on my yodobashi card), I bought/received and installed a new (500 gb) disk and was able to install ubuntu 9.09. Same problems. (Locking up/ screen colors going goofy, looking like a photographic negative, etc.). For stretches, things seemed to work fine, though. Meanwhile, ubuntu lets me know "it's time to update to 9.10." So I allow it to go through the 1 1/2 hour process, and things seem ok. Great. No problems. Log out and let the machine sit for a couple of hours. Log in. System locks up! Reboot attempt -- no good (disk light is on, I can hear it chugging along, but a vast, blank screen. I waited a good few minutes -- much longer than previous boot ups took to complete -- to no avail.) Reboot attempt - good. Conclusion? "Dig around online for ideas, then send off a request for help to tluggers." Some other notes: - memtest86 has been run throughout this process. On 2 or 3 occasions, there were no errors. On the others, there were a plethora of errors. - The crashes do not appear repeatable. I've tried to run the same software/click the same icons that I'd done on the previous lockups and auto-reboots, but there have been no repeats. - The crashes seem to occur when clicking on icons, beginning an x session (eg. session begins just fine, but clicking on icons/menus gets no response), clicking on menus, playing blackjack, etc. No problems with, eg. running vi or a shell script. - I had originally had an old (circa 2004) version of fedora running, and had no problems. (Why no update? My landlord wouldn't allow the work needed for internet access, so the machine became an occasionally used toy). New landlord this summer = internet ok. Upon running firefox -- a 2004-ish version -- it crashed spectacularly while accessing a video-intensive website. From that point on, firefox was gone -- a needed file was now missing. I did not investigate how extensive any damage was, figuring I was going to upgrade soon. But from that point, things got wonky -- X sometimes didn't work: I'd log in, x would start to run, and then...reboot. Or it would return me to the log in screen. I admit, this has been a bit of fun, learning things I should have learned a while ago. But the point total on my yodobashi card is running low now, so I'd like to be able to pinpoint the problem. Any & all help greatly appreciated! -Chris
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] apparent hardware problem(s) -- but where?
- From: Kalin KOZHUHAROV
- [tlug] apparent hardware problem(s) -- but where?
- From: Stephen J. Turnbull
- Re: [tlug] apparent hardware problem(s) -- but where?
- From: Lewske Wada
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