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Re: [tlug] Zurus distributions experience

Hi, Ed,

Thanks for very nice explanation.
| In terms of size, I couldn't open a netbook on a rush hour train but
| could work just fine on a Zaurus.

Surely, this is a very important factor to work at Tokyo office for folks,
and it does not matter of me who works at office near home while working for my own business.
Anyway, except portability in the crammed train and eco friendliness,
open architecture of netbook should be better choice in maintenance.


Edward Middleton wrote:
Sotaro Kobayashi wrote:
What are better in using netbooks than ZAURUS?

Oppositely, what are better in using Zaurus than netbooks.
In terms of size, I couldn't open a netbook on a rush hour train but
could work just fine on a Zaurus.

If you look at the architecture, the Zaurus uses an arm process which is
much more energy efficient then your i386 based cpu's.  Obviously all
applications need to be compiled to run on the arm cpu which can be a
problem if you are using binary only, or non-ported applications.  An
i386 netbooks obviously doesn't have this problem.


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