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Re: [tlug] Open-source repository question

Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
John Fremlin writes:
 > Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:

 > > The assumption that two changes which conflict partially but are
 > > identical on the conflict are not in conflict.  David originally had
 > > this right but eventually bowed to pressure from the peanut gallery.
> > Why do you think one way is more correct than another and how does this > relate at all to the theory?

The problem is precisely that *neither* way is globally correct;  you
need to understand the semantics to know which answer is right.

Yes, I agree, I was wondering how you squared that with your peanut gallery pressure comment -- your example below is great.

OK, so let's merge.  I insert at line 2, you insert at line 4, no
conflict, right?  And semantically, entirely reasonable, no?  But we
both changed line 6, in the same way.  Original Darcs would throw a
conflict on that ... and be right.  'Cause now we get:

char *identifiers[25] = {

int next_open_slot = 3;

For a slightly contrived way of making the original darcs blow up, you could have:

PATCH 1: reserve new slot
- int next_open_slot = 2;
+ int next_open_slot = 3;

PATCH 2a: add char id
+ "char"

PATCH 2b: add int id
+ "int"

so that it would think that 1+2a would not clash with 1+2b, because they are both based on patch 1, giving the same problem.

I admit this is contrived and I suppose it is all a question of what is more likely to happen in practice.

I would suspect that the peanut gallery is correct here, in that it is more likely for anonymous shared subpatches not to conflict so the extra conflict messages are an annoyance.

> The theory works fine provided the black box that determines whether > patches conflict is "reasonable" -- I'm not sure of the exact conditions > -- are you saying they are violated by this the choice of allowing > patches that share a common implied patch to commute or not?

I'm saying that there is a theory which says two patches which change
the same place are in conflict, unless the wholes of the two patches
are identical, and Darcs followed that theory at first, but then
decided to go with the heuristic that this is usually something like
the typo case.

It's not relevant to the theory at all, it's just a decision of the conflict black box.

 > I don't see this at all, sorry for being so slow -- can you explain?
> > On a related note

Yeah, I haven't been following that, they decided to go their own way
and not publish on the Darcs lists.  But the occasional traffic on the
Darcs list suggests that camp is no better in the sense that it has no
semantic theory, and is entirely based on textual heuristics for
identifying conflicts.


 > > Of course git has to worry about conflicts.  If it didn't, there would
 > > be no need for git-rebase --continue and/or git-rebase --skip.
> > It doesn't worry about it, it let's the users deal with it and provides > tools to help them. > > Darcs is explicitly designed to worry about it.

No, it's not.  Darcs is designed to be smarter about what is and isn't
a conflict, but if it detects a conflict, Darcs throws the whole thing
into the user's lap just like all the others.  And in fact I don't
think Darcs really does much better than the heuristics build into git
(like "patches which don't touch the same file don't conflict").

It doesn't do better we I think we agree. You call it being "smarter" I call it "worrying" but it seems to amount to the same thing ;-)

> As the H.264 stuff used DMA, these two changes had to have separate > branches (in fact as we used CVS, I actually just checked out versions > of the source tree into different directories).

But this is precisely what Curt advocates, no?  Keeping it in a
workspace until it's ready to go into the mainline.  The point of a
branch is communicating (either with other developers or a forgetful
incarnation of yourself :-).  So I'm not sure where you're going with
this (unless you meant you *wished* you could branch but you were
stuck with CVS...).

Yes, we couldn't easily branch because of CVS so we sort of checked in as much as we could and then emailed the extra stuff about.

 > You could equally well claim that git was a specialised Python.

Well, you can claim that anything is a specialized Turing machine,
too.  But in the Lisp analogy there's something a little deeper than
that going on, I think.

You claim that git is Turing complete? (I.e., how can you use git to compute?) I guess you could do it by playing with the hooks, but that is a bit of a stretch. . .


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