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Re: [tlug] TLUG 15th Anniversary Party? [OT Question for Josh]

2009/3/9 Lyle H Saxon <>:

> Hey Josh!  I'd be really interested in hearing about the cultural
> differences between Tokyo and Dublin.  Has it been a cake walk or a
> run through the gauntlet?

That would be a very long email indeed. The short version is that
Dublin is a town, not a city, except for the traffic, which is worse
than Tokyo's in terms of congestion (possibly because public
transportation is quite disappointing after Tokyo, though I guess it
would beat any US city save New York, Chicago, Boston, DC, Atlanta,
and possibly San Francisco).

The Irish Linux Users Group ( is a fun group, but the
list is quite wild and woolly compared to ours: top-posting on a 12K
stack of replies, posting in HTML, hijacking threads, etc. I'd say the
average ILUG thread is of the "help me right now!" variety, whereas
TLUG's often get more theoretical and abstract (in a good way,
usually). There is more flaming on ILUG, but there is a good core of
people who know a lot and are very friendly. I've not yet been to a
"meeting", since they basically do one tech meeting a year, and a PotD
(Pint of the Day--more or less like our nomikai) every month.

If you have specific questions, I can try to answer them, but
otherwise, this is a conversation best had over a series of pints. :)


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