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[tlug] Overall H/W support for Linux on the Eee PC

Hello tokyo linux users..

Long time (relatively speaking) lurker on this list, and I plan to come to the next meeting to introduce myself in person, but recent posts about the Eee PC and linux piqued my curiosity since I just bought an Ee PC 1000 (with xandros + 40 GB SSD) myself.

For those of you with Eee PCs out there, how many of you have had success with getting your hardware 100% functional on your distribution of choice.

While googling around for hardware support on my 1000, it seems that (at least in the case of Fedora 10) it takes a bit of fighting to get nearly everything supported, and wireless supposedly doesn't work after coming out of suspend mode.

While I'd love to have something that more closely resembles linux than the overly-user-friendly-and-simplified gui that ships with the 1000, I also would prefer to have everything functioning perfectly every time.

Is it better to hack up xandros so that it more closely resembles debian, or is it better to put debian (or some other distribution) on there instead?.. Thoughts?


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