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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]Re: [tlug] Just curious... how much impact does a kernel update make?
- Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2008 12:49:28 +0900
- From: Dave M G <>
- Subject: Re: [tlug] Just curious... how much impact does a kernel update make?
- References: <> <> <> <20081113113655.GC2041@inferi.kami.home> <> <> <> <> <> <>
- User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080925)
Thanks for responding.Adobe does exactly the same thing: they decide whatI completely agree if you mean value for shareholders, not value for end users.
would have value and work toward it.
It was their decision to align all their products into the "Creative Suite" that actually finalized my commitment to use free and open source software. The implication of the Creative Suite is that they will be obligated, for example, to offer an upgrade of Illustrator at the same time they offer an upgrade of Photoshop, only because the two are to be synchronized. Having done my share of working in companies that do software development, I can only laugh at the notion that one division responsible for one product would be guaranteed to come up with new and useful developments just because another division did.
Adding to that, Adobe also announced that they would release every 18 months, hell or high water. So not only am I to believe that all their software is somehow going to be developed at the same pace, but that pace will be timed perfectly.
In an ideal world, the theory is that users demands and technological developments are always advancing, so there's always room for growth. That's not quite true, and even if it was, it's definitely not true that advancement happens at a particular pace, or related to other developments.
From my practical experience of having made most of my working living using Adobe products, and knowing people who work within Adobe, I can say with confidence that a lot of their upgrades were completely arbitrary. There is no change that justifies an upgrade of Photoshop from versions 7 through 9, for example. The Creative Suite related interface change that came between 7 and 8 notwithstanding. Other Adobe titles have similarly uneven development curves spanning their version numbers. But regardless of the scale of change, the pricing remained consistent.
On the other end, I can also speak with experience in that if you decide to not upgrade, you can forget about support for your product. Never mind the fact that Adobe support is pretty byzantine on a good day, if you manage to get someone for assistance and you have a version that is in the past, you get a recommendation to upgrade and not much more.
They are motivated to keep you paying. That drives version numbers, not any specific milestones. All adobe has offered since version 8 of Photoshop are essentially nifty new filters, that could have been released as plug in modules for the basic platform established with the Creative Suite.
I realized that this was a train ride I didn't want to be on. Adobe is expensive, and their decision to release more rapidly than they had ever done before looked like a way to keep me poor. Or rely on piracy. I figured that even though graphics aren't as sophisticated on Linux, I'd rather be an early adopter suffering growing pains for free than a cash strapped consumer paying for nothing.
Anyway, contrast Adobe with, say, Ubuntu. Ubuntu releases every six months, which is just as arguably arbitrary and maybe some upgrades aren't that much different. But since I'm not paying for it, no big deal. Mark Shuttleworth could announce that the next upgrade involves one USB driver and some new desktop wallpapers, and I'd be fine with that. If he was charging me Adobe prices, though...
All of which is to say that companies like Adobe, Microsoft, Apple, and others, are unavoidably pressured by market forces to develop based on shareholder value, which makes the practical evaluation of their reasons for new versions highly suspect.
I think this is changing. Linux is going more and more mainstream. I believe I saw (don't remember where, though, so I will readily admit I might be in error) that Linux had a 4% home desktop install base. That's what Apple had only a couple of years ago (they are at 8% now).The big difference between Linux and Adobe software, as far as I can see, is that Linux generally asks more of those who make the decision to use a new kernel (I mean the distros and the vendors, as well as those of us who upgrade kernels on our own schedule which may be faster or slower than our distro), and therefore has a more sophisticated user base.
The changing (emphasis on the present progressive tense - all is in flux) user expectation is reflected, I think, in the kind of upgrading that one sees in Ubuntu. I upgrade as they release to me, not based on any real decision about whether or not I *need* that upgrade. Because I'm not running anything like a server that needs constant uptime or specific software support, I'm happy to just go with what comes along, and I trust that people smarter than me are making it work better all the time. And that's how I want it to be.
However, you are probably right in the sense that Linux developers are still developing on the *assumption* that Linux users are a more "sophisticated" user base.
Also, I offer some hearsay for your consideration (I can't confirm it and don't have a cite). That is, the current way the kernel is stuck on 2.6 is partly due to vendor politics. In the 2.4->2.6 transition they had a lot of trouble getting customers to upgrade because a minor version bump was considered too risky.Very interesting.
I would disagree. In upgrading from to, I saw about two dozen new kernel, not driver, features. Mostly they were small, such as variations on how NUMA architectures are handled, but others offered changes in how scheduling etc is done. As Ian Wells said, this kind of complexity-increasing change carries risk of regressions. They're not minor maintenance.Well, I wasn't so much proposing it as a fact as asking the question.
Which comes back to my original question, how much end-result impact do these new kernel features have for an end-user such as myself? Are they making changes that don't affect me at all if I don't happen to have relevant hardware? Or are they incrementally improving my system in some way I might understand if I knew what to look for?
-- Dave M G
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] Just curious... how much impact does a kernel update make?
- From: Edward Middleton
- References:
- [tlug] Just curious... how much impact does a kernel update make?
- From: Dave M G
- Re: [tlug] Just curious... how much impact does a kernel update make?
- From: Edward Middleton
- Re: [tlug] Just curious... how much impact does a kernel update make?
- From: Dave M G
- Re: [tlug] Just curious... how much impact does a kernel update make?
- From: Mattia Dongili
- Re: [tlug] Just curious... how much impact does a kernel update make?
- From: Dave M G
- Re: [tlug] Just curious... how much impact does a kernel update make?
- From: Edward Middleton
- Re: [tlug] Just curious... how much impact does a kernel update make?
- From: Dave M G
- Re: [tlug] Just curious... how much impact does a kernel update make?
- From: Edward Middleton
- Re: [tlug] Just curious... how much impact does a kernel update make?
- From: Dave M G
- Re: [tlug] Just curious... how much impact does a kernel update make?
- From: Stephen J. Turnbull
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