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Re: [tlug] Mounting/Unmounting an Encrypted Filesystem on a USB Drive

On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 03:26:59PM +0900, Curt Sampson wrote:
> I've got a USB drive with an ext3 filesystem on it in an encrypted LUKS
> partition. I carry it around with me and mount and unmount it on various
> machines at frequent intervals.
> Is there some convenient way in Ubuntu to mount and unmount this thing,
> or should I just cons up a shell script to deal with this for me?

Dunno if ubuntu does this differently, the linux-way to do this
should be 'udev', 'man udev'.
You can write udev-rules that must match some conditions (like
"the new device uses the usb-storage driver" and "the device has
serial-number xyz". Then actions can be performed like "the resulting
device which could vary like /dev/sdb, /dev/sdc and so on always gets
a symlink to /dev/walkman" or gets special permissions.
Or execute a script that syncs the music-folder onto the stick.

You could execute a script that is triggered that does you mounting


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