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Re: [tlug] Re: [RFC] Outline of the fast HTTP talk (PHP benchmark)

> <h1>Hello <?= $_REQUEST['name'] ?></h1>
> I am using Lighttpd with fastcgi and PHP5.
> I get about 3000 requests per second.
Without code cache ?

> Worryingly, the performance does not go up if no CPU affinity is set, so
> maybe I am doing it wrong. The purpose of this test is to see the
> maximum performance that can be achieved per core, and of course some
> frameworks will scale to more cores better than others. . .
You're on FIFO which might not be revealant for real cases, as it's says it's 
processes are not preemptible.
How about adding some usleep() factor of the request number ? (or better, 
computing cycles)
usleep(($req_id % 12) * 120); 

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