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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]Re: [tlug] JFS file system license
- Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2008 14:01:16 +0900
- From: "Stephen J. Turnbull" <>
- Subject: Re: [tlug] JFS file system license
- References: <> <> <> <> <> <> <>
Nguyen Vu Hung writes: > LGPL applies for libraries, This is a misstatement. It applies to any work to which the copyright holder applies it, and to no others. It was intended for, and has some language most applicable to, libraries, but is certainly useful in something like, say, the GIMP which later birthed GTK+, and could be used for any program, or even a manual or a newspaper. > and it deals with static linking and dynamic linking. No, it doesn't. Dynamic and static linking are not mentioned in any license I know of, nor in Title 17 of the U.S. Code. In fact the LGPL doesn't deal with linking as a technical definition at all. From V3, Additional Definitions: A "Combined Work" is a work produced by combining or linking an Application with the Library. The particular version of the Library with which the Combined Work was made is also called the "Linked Version". This wording makes it clear that linking is generally a form of combining, and that the LGPL will define its own applicability to combined works in general. However, nowhere in this license is linking otherwise defined. My guess is that a court would generalize all references to "linking" in this document to other forms of combination as well, and would restrict the meaning under copyright law of linking in the license to only those cases that result in a "combined work" (which is a term of art in copyright law, ie, it is in some way defined either in legislation, case law, or the consensus of judges---it is not defined with reference to computer technology). It is known (tested in court, I believe) that both forms of linking result in a derived work in memory, and that static linking results in a derived work in a file. However, what is further claimed by some experts, and disputed by others, is that merely incorporating the API calls creates a derived work of the program (library) implementing the API, even if no copy is present. However, there is no authority for this claim in U.S. legislation or case law. In other words, this latter claim is folklore, backed up by the willingness of the FSF to threaten (and presumably conduct) lawsuits against people who have to pay their lawyers (and thus are always looking for a cheaper way out). (There was a German case that people refer to as a "test of the GPL". However I do not know if this particular point was involved in that case. Anyway non-European courts are not required to pay attention to international precedents, though enlightened judges often find ways to do so. So it's not that relevant to U.S. or Japanese law.) > For the kernel and a filesystem( JFS - GPL licensed, which is a > part of the kernel), there is no "linking" to it, and the way we > use the kernel is different from using (i.e. linking) a library. For the JFS, maybe it is mediated by the kernel, and so not linked to the program. But for programs that call kernel facilities, definitely there is a link in the sense of an API with a well-known calling sequence. The law doesn't care whether that is implemented as a subroutine call, a software interrupt, or an Intercal come from. > IMO I hate to break it to you, but your opinion is not relevant. If you have authorities you can quote for your statements, that would be different. (You don't have to actually cite them; for example, I usually don't. But you should be able to list them, and where called on it, provide accurate citations.) And neither is mine. What I post is information paraphrasing Title 17 of the U.S. Code (which paraphrase may or may not be accurate, caveat lector), and information paraphrasing conversations with and reading of various authorities, including Frank Bennett, Larry Rosen, Larry Lessig, Eben Moglen, Richard Stallman, Eric Raymond, Larry McVoy, and where necessary resorting to assorted less authoritative opinions posted to various channels including lkml, djgpp, emacs-devel, and the Free Software Business list (same caveat applies). Besides U.S. law, occasionally I have cause to cite Japanese law and various international treaties, especially the Berne Convention. All of these legal texts are available online, and you should check them if you mistrust my paraphrases. Among the human authorities, Larry Lessig and Larry Rosen have published books (Larry Rosen's is especially recommended, Larry Lessig's popular books are more about ethical implications than about the workings of the law itself) and articles you can read. In the cases of personal conversations with Frank Bennett and Larry Lessig alcohol was involved, so my memory may not be reliable; other conversations took place in email. Some email was private and not available online, but the FSB archives are full of useful discussions about law. The other archives mentioned are not so useful, since it's not all that easy to search them for specifically legal discussion (although "IANAL" would probably do a pretty good job! :-) > the approach (of calling open()) is quite similar to LKMs so if > Linus believes that LKMs are derivative work[1], Ditto Linus's opinions. However, Linus has objective reason to claim that LKMs are derivative, because they call non-public interfaces of the kernel, and are loaded into the same address space. This is not true of the ordinary program calling open(), which isn't even a Linux function, but POSIX standard, with many implementations, some of which are very permissively licensed. > then the same conclusion should be applied A reasonable thought in ordinary discourse, but completely false in law, which has its own definitions which often conflict with those useful in engineering, to the consternation of engineers and lawyers alike.
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] JFS file system license
- From: Joe Larabell
- References:
- [tlug] JFS file system license
- From: Nguyen Vu Hung
- Re: [tlug] JFS file system license
- From: Godwin Stewart
- Re: [tlug] JFS file system license
- From: Nguyen Vu Hung
- Re: [tlug] JFS file system license
- From: Stephen J. Turnbull
- Re: [tlug] JFS file system license
- From: Godwin Stewart
- Re: [tlug] JFS file system license
- From: Curt Sampson
- Re: [tlug] JFS file system license
- From: Nguyen Vu Hung
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