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Re: [tlug] Trouble with external USB hard disk: /dev/scd0 versus /dev/sdc

On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 10:59 AM, jep200404 <> wrote:
On Mon, 20 Oct 2008 15:30:00 +0900, David Bernat <> wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

> sda is the internal hard disk in the laptop
> sdb is the external USB hard disk
> sdc is the internal DVD drive

Are you sure that sdc is the internal DVD drive?

On my 8.04 Ubuntu installation, the DVD drive shows up as
/dev/scd0, not /dev/sdc. The /dev/scd0 line in your fstab
looks similar mine, with the exactly the same mount points.
/media/cdrom0 makes sense as mount point to a DVD drive.

On a lot of systems the letter or number assigned to the drive is based on the order the system loads them in, not the type of drive.

/dev/sdX vs /dev/hdX is or used to be anyway a way to tell a scssi from an pata (ide).  Now some systems will report them all as sd something.

Which part of the cable a device is connected to on an IDE device, or which slot it is connected to on a SATA device will tell the system what to call it.

And some of what Ubuntu does is smoke and mirrors anyway.  ^^;;

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