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Re: [tlug] RMS is at it again

On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 5:48 PM, Clemens Schwaighofer
<> wrote:
> 2008/6/16 Stephen J. Turnbull <>:
>> Keith Bawden writes:
>>  >
>> Chuckle.  That reminds me of the first time the NHK guy came to my
>> door.  For the record, once I got married I gave the te-cho to my wife
>> like a good salariman, and signing up for an automatic deduction was
>> one of the first things she did.  I couldn't object; you'll see why.  ;-)
> which reminds of the one time the guy came to my place. And when I
> told him that I don't speak any japanese (which was true 5 years ago)
> he asked me where I am from, and when I told him I am from Austria he
> started to talk to me in german and told me I can see german tv. well
> then I told him that german != austria and I am still not interested
> ... have never heard of them again ...

Everyone has their NHK strories :-) When the NHK lady came to my
apartment several years ago I opened the door and told her I don't
have TV. She had a disbelieving look on her face and peered past me
into the room. Then she exclaimed: "What's that noise then?" To which
I had to tell her that it was my stereo player/radio combo. She
absolutely did not believe me...

Gernot "TV is evil" Hassenpflug

PS I was surprised and very impressed when I was chatting to some
people in Kyoto, and they discovered I have no TV and go to Kyoto
university---they then told me that it was a well-known fact that many
Kyoto university students abhor TVs and refuse to have anything to do
with them. I regained most of the respect I had lost for the
university in that moment than I had ever gained by speaking with any
university staff :-)

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