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RE: [tlug] missing icon

I just reformatted the HD. It's not working. I use Ubuntu. I feel it's
not responding well to some of my problems. I have a new system and have
not found it easy to work with parallel to Windows.

Thanks for the help. I will be asking again - I'm sure. It's not the
full log out icon that's missing, just the restart and shutdown within
that applet.


Hi Nick welcome to TLUG,

On Fri, 2008-06-06 at 11:52 +0900, Nick Bikkal wrote:
> I lost my
> shut down or restart options. Does anyone know how to get it back? 

Are you using KDE or the Gnome with Ubuntu? If it's KDE then you can add
the applet for shutdown and screensave by right clicking on that panel
with all your icons on it, choose add -> applet -> lock logout applet. I
haven't used the Gnome for years so I can't recall off hand how they
have it set up but it's probably something similar, right click on the
bar, add, etc.

> Is
> there a way to re-install Obuntu?

You won't need to do that for this problem ;-) but for future reference
you can use apt-get remove <name of program> and apt-get add <name of
program> to reinstall programs.

Scott in Tokyo

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