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Re: [tlug] Raid5 box & backup

2008/5/25 Curt Sampson <>:

> On 2008-05-25 13:50 +0900 (Sun), Edmund Edgar wrote:
>> - You create a TrueCrypt volume, with its own password, for each of your
>> private parts. (Stop sniggering at the back, you know what I mean...) I
>> think you should be able to mount each volume over your local network using
>> Samba, so your client PC will have access to an encrypted volume which it
>> will decrypt locally, using the password for that volume.

> So a TrueCrypt volume is just layered over top of a
> standard filesystem,

Yes - it looks like a file until you mount it with TrueCrypt.

> and appears as a real filesystem with files in it to someone not using TrueCrypt?

No - it looks like a file full of junk to someone not using TrueCrypt. Loop-mounting the file full of junk, with the appropriate passphrase, makes it appear as a real filesystem with files in it.

> If not, you can't use it that way.

Are you sure? (Like I say, I haven't tried this...) 'Cos if I've understood you right, conceptually it's what you're describing here:

Or am I missing your point?


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