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Re: [tlug] search for fulltext-searchengine

On 2008-05-20 04:55 +0900 (Tue), Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:

> Namazu is a high-maintenance girlfriend.  Give her one rock, she
> expects another one weekly.  We ( gave up on it.

I can certainly believe this!

On the other hand, it is possible, with correct setup, to get it working
reliably enough to, mostly, forget about it. Whether such a "correct
setup" can be done without taking the thing to pieces, delving into the
internals, optionally gagging on the code quality (or lack thereof), and
rebuilding the appropriate chunks of it, is an open question.

Actually, I can see how one could extend namazu to do a proximity
search. It wouldn't be terribly difficult, in fact, if you started out
with a completely rewritten version.

Curt Sampson       <>        +81 90 7737 2974   
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