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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] NTT modem/router PR-200NE... configuration
- Date: Tue, 6 May 2008 07:27:12 +0000
- From: jos yamamoto <>
- Subject: [tlug] NTT modem/router PR-200NE... configuration
My resources is :
- NTT modem/router PR-200NE
- Internet Provider : T-com. (DHCP Server)
- EasyDNS : Dynamic service
I have a web server (at home) Linux RH.
My linux box go to internet without problems, but nobody cam't see or enter to my web server.
Please, I need help to configure my modem/router to see my web server.
I made some chargers in "Routing Options" and get found my domain, but
my web page is not appear on display; only appear Modem/Router NTT Menu.
I don'tknow why !
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- Re: [tlug] NTT modem/router PR-200NE... configuration
- From: BABA Yoshihiko
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