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Re: [tlug] kde4 install question

2008/3/20 steven smith <>:
> This is really a bit more generic than just kde4.  In
>  general is there a way to easily install a package and back
>  out if you're not happy.  I'm concerned that libs that are
>  used by other apps will get overwritten and break my system.
>  I just read a review on kde4.0.  I'm thinking about
>  installing it.  It looks like it's available on the Ubuntu
>  repositories so it should be an easy install.  But I'm
>  nervous...  If things go wrong or I'm not happy with this
>  major a change, how do I back out?  I'm not currently using
>  KDE and I'm on Ubuntu 7.04.


I'm not knowledgeable about this and didn't try but what I would do is
to keep a list of installed packages after and before.

$ dpkg -l > ~/packages-before-kde

... install kde4 ...

$ dpkg -l > ~/packages-after-kde

... play with kde4 ...

$ diff ~/packages-before-kde ~/packages-after-kde

and manually install/uninstall the packages that changed in-between.

Or you could backup your system (good idea anyway) and restore the
backup after playing with kde4.

There may be better ways or tools to automate this but I'm not aware of them :).


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