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Re: [tlug] Expect: looping until there is no more input from spawn

On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 12:00:50PM +0900, Josh Glover wrote:
> Any expect(1) users on this list?
> I have a simple script to automate resolving integrations with Perforce:
> #!/usr/bin/expect -f
> set timeout 30
> spawn p4 resolve
> while {1} {
>     expect {
>         "Accept(a) Edit(e) Diff(d) Merge (m) Skip(s) Help(?)" {
>             send "at\r"
>         } "This overrides your changes: confirm accept (y/n)?" {
>             send "y\r"
>         }
>     }
> }
> This works fine, but when the "p4 resolve" command finishes, my Expect
> script spews the following error:

Caveat: I don't know Perforce and I'm not an Expect expert.

Does Perforce return anything when it's done? If not, presumably there's
an eof?

Idea #1:
use "system" instead of "spawn" and test for the return value in the

Idea #2:
Use a conditional expect and test for the return value (or eof) in the
loop, and if so, break out:

expect {
    eof {
    your stuff


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