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[tlug] Re: IPv6 in Japan

Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:

> The WIDE Project (centered at Keio U, I believe) has always been one
> of the main proponents and developers of IPv6.  I've never seen an
> IPv6 address in the wild, though.  (I admit I haven't looked hard.)

Well, just look into the header of this mail. ;)
(Although thats cheating a bit, because it's a private IPv6 subnet
over a VPN tunnel you can see there.)
However I do have a /64 from SixXS (A tunnel broker), for example is my home desktop.
And while it does not offer IPv6 over ppp, my local internet
provider M"Net has a SixXS Point of Presence, so the tunnel endpoint
is four IPv4 hops away, after that it's native IPv6 running over the
internet backbone. ;)
They don't seem to have any PoPs in Asia though:

Tobias						PGP:

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